About This Site

About This Site

Important information regarding technologies, standards, and rights

Thank you for visiting the LBT, Inc. website. LBT has taken the time to create a site that we think is attractive, informative, and accessible, and we hope you agree. The following information regards technologies, credits, and rights:


For users browsing this site using screen readers, text browsers, or simply for those looking for convenient shortcuts, this site supports the following access keys:

Additionally, we strive to use other functions to make the page easier to use for users, such as title attributes on links, alt attributes on images where applicable, and semantic code layout.

Web Standards

The LBT website exclusively uses technologies considered web standards for the purposes of static content, presentation, and scripting. These technologies, codified and standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium along with other standards bodies, ensure open and simple standards designed to be able to function on all platforms and all users, including those with disabilities.

Websites that make use of these standards have the advantage of being accessible to users with disabilities, faster for users to download, more visually consistent across the site, and easier to update and design.

Standards Compliance

The LBT website strives to comply with the following standards:

Copyright and Use Info

This site's design and contents, both written and visual, are Copyright © 2007 LBT Inc. The copying of small passages of text is allowed with attribution, but wholesale copying of entire articles, posts, or biographies is not without prior written permission. We respect your right to fair use, but copyright infringement is not okay. To obtain permission, please contact us.

"LBT" and "LBT Inc." as well as the LBT Inc logo are trademarks of LBT Inc. All other trademarks referred to on this site are trademarks of their respective organizations.

All images on this site are either owned by LBT, or are public domain. Every effort has been made to ensure that images on this site are used in a method consistent with the requests of their owners.

The design of this site, which includes color combinations, positioning, images, typesetting, and sizes, is Copyright © 2007 LBT, and reproduction is prohibited.

Designers should feel free to use this site and its source as a reference for their own implementation of web standards, but no elements of the site should be passed off as the property of anyone other than LBT.